Ski Cams

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Webcam Marketing Benefits

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Webcam Marketing Benefits

Are you doing enough to attract guests and keep them coming back? Is your hotel or resort known for its breathtaking views? Now more than ever, guests want to see exactly what they are getting. A live streaming webcam could be a perfect marketing tool to increase traffic to your website and keep viewers engaged. was designed to be a platform to promote live cams, beach resorts, attractions, and coastal destinations.

Interested in upgrading your current webcam or have questions about streaming a live webcam? Contact us anytime, we’ll be glad to help.


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Scenic Views

What is your best selling point? Is it scenic views of the ocean and beaches? If so, consider a live webcam as a marketing tool to attract visitors.

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Create Awareness

A live webcam is a great way to increase traffic to your website, keep viewers engaged, encourage repeat visitors, and boost search engine rankings.

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Wow your Audience

Photos are good, videos are better. But a live streaming webcam gets people talking, and that’s a great way to create a buzz and gain that extra edge.

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Be Social

Built-in sharing feature allows guests to share webcams on popular social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Talk about it, Like it, Share it.

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Maintain your Edge

In a very crowded place, hotels and resorts need to find unique ways to attract guests and stand out. Stream a live webcam and maintain your edge.

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Live Weather

Check real-time live weather as it happens and keep guests informed of the bright sunny beach days as well as unpredicted severe weather.

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Broadcast Anywhere

Webcams play any device – iPhones, iPads, Android and browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and I.E. without downloading additional software.

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Pan, Tilt, or Zoom

Pan, tilt, zoom features provide both wide-area coverage and sharp, crisp video resolution; all within a single outdoor-ready HD camera.

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Worldwide Audience

Live streaming webcams are more popular than ever, especially at beach resorts and hotels and that can separate the top resorts from the rest.

Now more than ever, guests want to see exactly what they are getting. Identify what it is that attracts guest to your hotel or resort and a live webcam might a great way to attract more guests and gain that extra edge. was designed to be a platform to promote live cams, beach resorts, attractions, and coastal destinations.

Interested in upgrading your current webcam or have questions about streaming a live webcam? Contact us anytime, we’ll be glad to help.


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